A Racing Team

Color Us Rad

While we normally run races pretty seriously, with goals, PRs, competition in mind, we also like to kick back, relax and enjoy running for what it is.  That’s exactly what a few of our members did this past weekend, at the San Jose Color Me Rad 5k, which supports the Pacific Autism Center of Education.

Our members Meg, Jenn and Laura partook in this adventure.  They started out clean, dressed in very white attire…


Meg, Jenn and Laura before the race

And as the started to run, they got, as the title suggests, a little more rad…


Getting ready for color!



Holy Pink Powder!


The color chutes weren’t quite enough for our ladies, so Meg’s friend Pat helped ’em out


Enjoying the run with a little color!


And by the end, the ladies were pretty much unrecognizable, though definitely very colorful!

Jenn, Laura and Meg Colored Rad

This is definitely not the normal race you’ll see SCE at, but it was a fun way to support a local cause, get reunited with the ‘fun’ side of running and have a blast with friends!


Excited for color and running!

And isn’t having a blast what running all about?  Doing something you love, spending time with friends and having a good time?!  Well, at least that’s what we think its all about.  If you agree, be sure to check out our Whale to Whale on 9/30 in Santa Cruz!

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